Banana Ballistics Favorite Products
These are the products Banana Ballistics trusts to bring his viewers the best testing data on all things shooting and reloading. You can view more Banana Ballistics content here.
MagnetoSpeed V3 Ballistic Chronograph
The MagnetoSpeed barrel-mounted, ballistic chronograph has brought modern convenience to the often tiresome task of measuring bullet velocities. The MagnetoSpeeed chronographs use ground breaking electromagnetic sensors, instead of problematic optical sensors, to eliminate common chronograph problems. Magnetospeed chronographs are swift to set up, accurate, impervious to light conditions, do not blow over in high winds and easily fit in a range bag. The display unit stores up to 99 shots per string, calculates useful velocity statistics and saves the data in a spreadsheet format to a micro SD card.
Kit Includes
- Display Unit
- Retractable connection cable
- Standard 6ft connection cable
- Stainless steel blast shield
- Thick and thin rubber V-block spacers
- microSD card with adapter
- Bayonet sensor
- Polymer spacer kit with screw hardware and allen wrench
- Heavy duty strap with thumb nut tightener
- Hard case with custom cut foam
- Alignment rod
- Instructions
- Improved Display
- Three-button menu system
- Battery options are; (1) 9-Volt or (2) CR123s
- Easy access battery compartment, no need for screwdriver to swap batteries
- Improved shooting modes, with the ability to now operate with air guns
- Downloadable firmware updates
- Advanced data logging and troubleshooting capabilities
- More compact and rugged display housing
- Rapid mode with rate-of-fire
- Redesigned Bayonet
- Rugged strapping system; with metal buckle and triad thumb nut
- Proven technology with updated sensor design
- New profile and color scheme
- New bracket to allow for future alternative attachment options
- Dual data connection points
What Customers Are Saying
Very accurate for long range data
I shoot in long range precision/tactical matches regularly. One problem I have is being able to acquire good data at distance, since the closest 1000 yard range is three hours away. If I work up a new load, or play with a different rifle, I have to do my load development at 100 yards, then go to a 1000 yard range and collect data on my impacts, and calculate the speed with a ballistic calculator. This system works very well, but is very difficult due to time and travel. When looking into the Magnetospeed, I didn't find any reviews that said that the speed was accurate enough to shoot to 1000 yards right out of the gate. Which is why I'm writing this review. It turns out that the Magnetospeed is very accurate. I recently put an AR-10 together with a 22" JP 260 Remington barrel. I sighted it in at 100 yards using Prime 130 gr ammo. The Magnetospeed gave an average of 2820 fps, and an SD of 8. I recently competed in a long range match that had targets out to 1165 yards. I was able to get good hits o...- Brian, 9/5/2016 Shop Now
Hornady Lock-N-Load Classic Single Stage Reloading Press
A single stage press is perfect for both beginners and those who want complete control over the entire process. The Lock-N-Load Classic delivers both dependability and precision with its uniquely angled, solid cast frame that offers greater visibility and easier access to the cartridge. Designed to assure perfect die and shell holder alignment, its Lock-N-Load quick change bushing system also makes the process quick and easy.
- Lock-N-Load Quick Change Bushing System - Lock-N-Load bushings not only let you switch from one die to another in a matter of seconds, they also offer the quickest and easiest die setup on the market. Just set the die and tighten the Sure-Loc ring on to the Lock-N-Load bushing. Quickly remove and re-install without the need to readjust the die or keep a separate seater die for each of your pet loads.
- Power-Pac Linkage and Solid Steel Arms - Arms rotate on steel pins that run completely through the cast frame. The Power-Pac linkage design multiplies the leverage you apply to the handle, making it easier to size cases and reduces user fatigue.
- Positive Priming System (PPS) - Once the spent primer ejects at the top of the stroke, you can add a new primer to the PPS and it self-aligns to feed and insert the primer at the bottom of the stroke where leverage is best. Our self-aligning primer arm also allows for easy manual inserting of primers without having to raise the handle. All the work is done at the bottom of the stroke. Works easier than ram prime units and much better than old style primer arms. Small and large punch included.
- Strong Angled Frame - This high strength alloy frame offers the rigidity and stability needed for precision reloading, and is guaranteed never to break or fail. The frame's unique angle gives the reloader greater visibility and easier access to the cartridge in the press.
- Easy Grip Handle - Large, ball-style grip reduces fatigue. The long handle increases leverage and reduces effort.
What Customers Are Saying
This is the best single ...
This is the best single stage press I have ever used.The priming system makes short order of sizing and priming ammo, but be sure you use a Shell holder with a large enough hole to clear the primer cup. RCBS and Hornady shell holders work well. Lee's caused some issues. The LNL feature make changing function or caliber a breeze, with no adjustment required.I highly recommend the press to anyone reloading.- Jeffrey, 2/25/2010
About Hornady
“Ten bullets through one hole” is the philosophy that brought Hornady® Manufacturing from a two-man operation in 1949, to a world-leading innovator of bullet, ammunition, reloading tool and accessory design and manufacture today. Change is their constant and daily challenge. They outperform their competitors by ensuring the products they make are the ones their customers need right now, and accurately predict what they’ll want in the future. They recognize trends, and respect when to leave well enough alone. Their workforce includes an ample number of hunters and competitive shooters, as well as veterans and former law enforcement officers. At Hornady® Manufacturing, ammunition is more than their livelihood. It’s a major part of their daily life.
Shop NowFrankford Arsenal Platinum Series Case Prep and Trim Center
The Frankford Arsenal Platinum Series Case Prep and Trim Center offers 4 work stations to quickly and easily prepare brass for reloading. The permanent trimming station indexes off the case shoulder to trim shouldered cases from 17 Remington to 460 Weatherby without the use of shell holders. The other 3 stations accept any case preparation accessory with 8-32 threads. The Platinum Case Prep Center includes a VLD chamfering tool, Outside Chamfer Tool, as well as large and small primer pocket uniformers. The built in storage box keeps all accessories organized and close at hand. Plugs into standard 110 volt outlet.
What Customers Are Saying
Where was this 30 years ago?
I wanna meet the engineer that came up with this and ask what took so long. Distilled 2 hours work into 15 minutes and now the wife thinks I have time to go antiquing. Maybe I'll slap him too.- MIKE, 12/31/2015
About Frankford Arsenal
Established in 1816 as an arms supply and repair depot, Frankford Arsenal later became the principal small-arms development facility for the United States armed forces. The first mechanized production of ammunition was pioneered at Frankford Arsenal, crucial to the adoption of breechloading small arms by the US Army. During WWII, Frankford Arsenal successfully developed steel-cased ammunition to augment brass supplies. Today, the Frankford Arsenal name continues to represent innovation in small arms ammunition production. MidwayUSA carries Frankford Arsenal single-stage reloading presses, progressive reloading presses like the X-10, powder measures, digital powder dispensers, reloading scales, reloading calipers, brass tumblers, depriming tools, bullet pullers, and more.
Shop NowRCBS Carbide 3 Die Set
What Customers Are Saying
I found lube was required ...
I found lube was required on the 3rd or 4th case. The length to diameter ratio on the .30 Caliber most likely the reason. Works great.- Tom, 2/25/2010
About RCBS
Fred T. Huntington was an avid shooter and hunter of rock chucks, a common varmint in the western United States. He was dissatisfied with the varmint bullets available at the time, so he developed a die to swage 22 rimfire cases into bullet jackets. In 1943, he started making and selling these Rock Chuck Bullet Swage (RCBS) dies out of his father’s laundry and dry-cleaning business in Oroville, CA. RCBS outgrew the laundry facility and moved to its first dedicated shop in 1948. RCBS has expanded its offering to include reloading dies, reloading presses, powder measures, digital powder dispensers, case trimmers, decapping tools, primer swage tools, bullet pullers, and tumblers, available at MidwayUSA. Some of their most popular products today include the Chargemaster Digital Powder Scale, Rock Chucker Single Stage Press, the Summit Press, and their Die Sets. RCBS no longer makes bullet swage dies, but Oroville is still its home for reloading innovation and state of the art production.
Shop NowCaldwell Lead Sled DFT 2 Rifle Shooting Rest
The Lead Sled DFT 2 (Dual-Frame Technology) has been re-designed to provide shooters with the industry's best reduction system and the versatility to fit virtually any shotgun or rifle, all build around a precision shooting platform. Whether you are trying to shoot the very tightest possible groups with your rifle or patterning your favorite shotgun, the Lead Sled DFT 2 provides an optimal platform for shooting without the negative effects of recoil.
- Reduces recoil by up to 95%
- Extremely fine windage and elevation adjustments
- Adjustable cradle system fits almost any length rifle & shotgun
- Re-designed baffled tray keeps up to 100 lbs. of lead shot in place
- New revolutionary molded front bag provides a soft touch but firmness for increased stability
- Improved elevation ram eliminates wobble in the front cradle. 2 1/2" adjustment (over 2 feet at 100 yards)
- Advanced rear recoil shock absorbing pad cushions the firearm during use
- Dual frame technology allows the length of the rest to be personalized
- Increased clearance of the Lead Sled DFT's unique dual frame design, it can accept most detachable magazines rifles (AR-15, AR-10, & lever action rifles
- An innovative elastic retention strap can be used to "strap in" the forend of the gun, preventing the front of the gun from jumping out of the front cradle
What Customers Are Saying
Works As Advertised
This is a solid rest when used with a 25lb bag of shot or other similar weight. I do not use it to reduce recoil although it does perform that function. I use the rest to initially sight in a new rifle/scope combination or a new hand load to ensure the round is fired from an anchored rifle on a rock steady rest to achieve repeatable accuracy. The elevation and windage dials provide fine adjustment to align the cross hairs to the same aiming point shot after shot. Additionally, the rest is constructed so that it can accommodate the long magazine of an AR which is a feature many other rests do not provide. The rest is, in my opinion, too cumbersome to use for round after round at the range as recoil does require the rest to be repositioned to some degree after each shot. Once I'm satisfied the rifle is sighted in on the Lead Sled I use either the bipod or bags to support the rifle. The rest can also double as a gun vise for cleaning and some maintenance chores on your rifle if it does not require the gu...- Neal, 1/5/2018
About Caldwell
For the marksman, Caldwell is a brand engineered for perfection to take your shot to the next level. Whether you’re shooting competitively or recreationally, the team at Caldwell aims to make you the best. With quality products like the iconic Stinger, Matrix, and Precision Turret shooting rests, you will have the confidence to take the shot when it matters most with unmatched precision. Caldwell focuses on precision, creating shooting supplies with accuracy in their DNA. They are determined to provide only the best. Adhering to the highest standard of superior quality within the brand and products. Caldwell wants you to have confidence that you’ve hit your target even before you pull the trigger. Known for their shooting rests and bags, Caldwell has also built bipods, chronographs, steel targets, and ear & eye protection to ensure you have everything you need for a great day at the range. With Caldwell, “eliminate the variables that make you miss.”
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