How to Blue Small Gun Parts

Larry Potterfield • February 03, 2017

Cold bluing is a quick and easy way to put the color back onto steel parts. Let me show you this simple process.

These small parts are from a Winchester Model 67 and we've polished them to a 240-grit finish. We'll be using a cold bluing kit that has everything we'll need.

Prior to bluing
Prior to bluing

It's essential to remove all the oil and grease using a degreasing solution, and it also helps to warm the parts up a bit. Apply the cold blue solution generously, you'll start to see the results immediately.

Apply bluing solution
Apply bluing solution

Now rinse the parts in distilled water, dry them off, and then rub the surface lightly with degreased 4/0 steel wool. Repeat these steps to get a darker color.

Rub the surface with steel wool
Rub the surface with steel wool

When you're happy with the results, apply some oil and you're finished. Cold bluing small parts is a whole lot easier than polishing them.

Finished look
Finished look

-- Larry Potterfield