Installing an ebony block on the tip of a forend requires you to trim away the excess and inlet the barrel channel before you can start the finishing process. Let me show you how we do that with simple hand tools.
First, we need to mark the ebony tip for the desired length. Then, using a handsaw, we cut it to length and trim off the excess material.
Mark the center of the barrel channel and use a round bastard file to cut the channel to depth. You can also use an inletting chisel or a barrel bedding tool.
We'll use inletting gold for the final fitting. Simply apply a little to the barrel and tap it into place. The gold will transfer to any contact points, allowing us to scrape the material away for a perfect fit.
All that's left is to file down the top of the ebony tip, even with the top rails of the stock. Ebony is a lot harder than walnut, but if you've got the right tools and a little patience, you'll get the job done.
-- Larry Potterfield