How to Install a Grip Cap on Your Rifle Stock

Larry Potterfield • February 15, 2017

Ever think about adding a pistol grip cap to your rifle stock? Let me show you how to add a touch of class using simple hand tools.

First, we need to level the grip area end to end with a level and a straight edge. We can then level it side to side, using the top rails as a datum.

Level the grip area
Level the grip area

Notice how the bottom of the grip is not perfectly flat, we'll use a mill bastard file to true it up.

Uneven grip surface
Uneven grip surface

Now mark the center of the flat and the location of the grip cap screw. Drill the screw hole.

Mark the center and grip cap screw
Mark the center and grip cap screw

We need to measure the legs of the grip cap and mark them on the flat. Using small wood chisels, carefully remove the wood and screw the grip cap into position.

Remove the wood with a chisel
Remove the wood with a chisel

Think you can do this? I'll bet you can—double or nothing.

-- Larry Potterfield