Pillar bedding can greatly improve the accuracy of your rifle. Pillars are typically made from aluminum, contoured to match the receiver and are adjustable for length. Here's where they fit in the stock:

They allow for metal-to-metal contact between the guard and receiver, allowing for consistent torquing of the guard screws. First, we'll need to drill out the trigger guard screw holes to accommodate the pillars.

Now we'll drill out the front. Since this rifle has a blind magazine, we'll start with a drill bit and finish with the flat end mill, once we get close to the escutcheon.

Now we can adjust both pillars to provide 10 thousandths of an inch protrusion, then apply a light coat of release agent for the barreled action and the hand screws.

Epoxy the front pillar in place, install the barrel action, and hold it in place with a hand screw.

Now you can install the rear pillar, making sure you use plenty of epoxy.

Install the trigger guard and the other hand screw.

Pillar bedding: an important component in rifle accuracy.
--Larry Potterfield