How to Polish a Rifle Barrel for a Matte Finish

Larry Potterfield • January 22, 2017

Spinning a round part in a lathe is probably the easiest way to polish it.

To start, we'll be using a metal lathe to speed up the process with a little tape on the threads to protect them. The 3-jaw chuck will hold the barrel securely.

Secure the barrel using a metal lathe
Secure the barrel using a metal lathe

We're starting with some 220-grit cloth-backed abrasive. Holding the abrasive strip around the barrel, move it back and forth the length of the barrel to get a smooth, even polish. Change to a finer grit to get the desired look.

Run the abrasive along the length of the barrel
Run the abrasive along the length of the barrel

For a nice matte finish, oil up the barrel and burnish the surface using a fine wire wheel.

Use a wire wheel to create a matte finish
Use a wire wheel to create a matte finish

Metal polishing is a little bit of art and a little bit of science; good metal polishing is a joy to behold.

-- Larry Potterfield