How to Remove Locking Screw Holes from the Trigger Guard

Larry Potterfield • January 18, 2017

When you're customizing a Mauser rifle, one of the most common jobs is to weld up the locking screw holes in the trigger guard.

With the locking screw holes in place as filler material, we'll use a TIG welder to fill the voids.

Trigger guard prepared for welding
Trigger guard prepared for welding

Dress the weld down with a coarse round file and finish it up with a fine chainsaw file, then reposition the guard and dress down the front screw weld.

Dress the weld down
Dress the weld down

If the weld runs into the screw hole, clean it up using a piloted counterbore, a drill press, some care, and patience.

Remove the excess weld metal
Remove the excess weld metal

That's all there is to it. We used a TIG welder, several files, a counterbore, and a little handwork to plug the locking screw holes.

Final look
Final look

-- Larry Potterfield