Firearm safety is your responsibility. Let's take a look at what you need to know about your rifle to handle it safely.
Anytime you handle a firearm, always follow the basic rules of firearm safety. Never rely on a mechanical safety as a substitute for safe gun handling.
The most common safety is the cross-bolt design, and it can be located in front of or behind the guard.

Another safety is the rocking type.

A wing safety is located on the back of the bolt.

Here is an unusual sliding safety on the top of the receiver.

On some guns, the back of the bolt rotates.

Lots of older guns don't have manual safeties at all.

Young shooters should always have adult supervision, and many adults often need expert advice about how to safely operate a firearm. There are many types of rifle actions and they all operate differently. On a bolt-action rifle, the handle is simply lifted and pulled to the rear.
A pump gun requires that the release be pressed before the action can be opened.

Lever actions operate by lowering and raising the lever.

Remember, firearm safety is your responsibility.
-- Larry Potterfield