The perfect rifle of its day for varmints and small game. That's the best way to describe this gun. I've got a Winchester Model 1892 lever action rifle made in New Haven, Connecticut. The exposed hammer is checkered and the trigger is smooth. It has a straight grip stock and the famous operating lever. The shotgun style buttplate made of hard rubber was special-order. Standard was the crescent-style buttplate made of steel. The barrel is 24 inches long, half octagon and half round, with a buckhorn-style rear sight and a front sight dovetailed into the barrel. Winchester made this gun from 1892 to 1932 with over a million guns produced. The one I have is chambered in 38-40 Winchester centerfire, but they also made them in 25-20 WCF, 32-20 WCF, and 44-40 WCF. This gun has a button magazine and holds only six rounds, so you need to aim straight because six rounds goes pretty quick. For a visual demonstration of how this gun operates, check out the video above.
--Larry Potterfield