How to Grind Wild Turkey Thighs

Wild Game Cook • May 06, 2024

For when you have wild turkey thighs, here is how to prepare them so you can make many dishes at the house, including spaghetti, tacos, or anything else you can make with ground chicken or beef. First, you must de-bone them.


Flip your turkey thighs over, start from the bottom and simply run your knife along the leg bone.

De-bone your turkey thighs
De-bone your turkey thighs


Cut your thigh meat into small strips. No need to worry about the silver skin -- when you grind it, it will basically become nothing.

Cut your turkey thighs into small strips
Cut your turkey thighs into small strips


Get your LEM grinder, or whatever meat grinder you use, plugged in. Run the meat through the stomper and into a bowl or Mini Meat Lug. For a more thorough grind, run the ground meat back through the grinder one more time. For added flavor, you can also add beef or pork fat to the wild turkey meat and run it back through the grinder.

Grind your turkey meat into a meat lug
Grind your turkey meat into a meat lug

Now your wild turkey thigh meat is ready for countless recipes!

--Wild Game Cook