MidwayUSA Foundation Announces Constituent Challenge Winner for October

MidwayUSA Foundation Announces Constituent Challenge Winner for October by MidwayUSA
Columbia, MO -

The latest team to earn $15,000 from the MidwayUSA Foundation’s Constituent Challenge is The University of Tennessee – Martin Shotgun Team. Out of the over 1500 active teams at the MidwayUSA Foundation, the UTM Shotgun team raised the largest total contribution for their Team Endowment Account to win the challenge.

“We’re seeing more teams actively seek donations in hopes of winning this challenge and we’re happy to add $15,000 to the UTM Shotgun Team’s endowment account. This challenge is proof that with some hard work and community support teams can grow their account quickly,” explained MidwayUSA Foundation Executive Director, Dick Leeper.

MidwayUSA Foundation’s Constituent Challenge is open to all of its active teams. The program provides $15,000 to the team that raises the largest overall contribution into its Team Endowment Account in a given month. The Constituent Challenge will continue for the remainder of calendar year 2013. Teams are eligible to win multiple times.

The MidwayUSA Foundation is a public charity established by Larry and Brenda Potterfield working to sustain the shooting industry by providing long-term funding to high school, college, university, and club shooting teams.
For more information about the MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc. and its Constituent Challenge, please visit www.midwayusafoundation.org or call 1-877-375-4570.
