MidwayUSA Round-Up Contributions Reaches All Time High
Part of Larry and Brenda Potterfield's and MidwayUSA's ongoing efforts to protect the Second Amendment started back in 1992 with the creation of two programs that to date have raised almost $200 million dollars – the Friends of NRA (FNRA) Program and the NRA Round-Up.
Compared to this time last year, MidwayUSA Customers have contributed over $18,000 more to the Round-Up program, resulting in these latest contributions:
Date Started: January 2, 1992
Amount Collected in Last Month: $85,677.82
Total Year To Date Collections: $775,698.73
Total MidwayUSA Collections Since Inception: $7,424,815.74
Total Balance in National Account: $9,358,392.27*
(*Other shooting industry companies have chosen to embrace the NRA Round-UpProgram and ask their Customers to round up as well. This amount represents the total contributions from Customers of all NRA Round-Up companies (not just MidwayUSA).
Beth Cowgill
MidwayUSA Public Relations