MidwayUSA Supports Missouri Junior Trap Shooters with $10,000 Donation
Continuing their mission of supporting youth shooting organizations across America, MidwayUSA owners Larry and Brenda Potterfield recently donated $10,000 to the Missouri Youth Trap Foundation to help support youth shooting programs in the company's home state.
In 2010, Larry and Brenda Potterfield began helping Missouri youth by donating money to the Foundation for the Junior Trap Shooters of Missouri. In 2011, this donation grew into a partnership with the Missouri Trapshooters Association when the Potterfields pledged to match the Association's donation in the amount of $10,000 every year through 2015. This donation is the second of those pledged donations.
"The kids that participate in these shooting programs are not only the future leaders of America, but the future leaders of the shooting sports industry," said MidwayUSA CEO Larry Potterfield. "I'm a country kid from Missouri, so helping these kids from our home state is something Brenda and I are excited to do."
Established in 1967, the Foundation for the Junior Trap Shooters of Missouri was created to encourage the youth of Missouri to learn the sport of Trapshooting. The Foundation provides funding to the Missouri Trapshooters Association (MTA) for training and safety instructions for young Trapshooters who want to begin shooting. The MTA is in Linn Creek, MO, where each year, hundreds of kids from Missouri come to safely learn how to shoot.
"Trap shooting develops the skills of responsible firearm handling and requires concentration and dedicated practice to excel," said Foundation President Bill Fienup. "In addition to the enjoyment of shooting, these young people experience a sense of personal achievement in learning how to shoot properly and safely. The Potterfields have been exceedingly generous to the Foundation in the past several years and we are very grateful."
For more information about the Junior Trapshooters of Missouri, please visit the MTA website or call 573-346-2449.
MidwayUSA Public Relations