How to Lighten and Smooth the Trigger Pull on a S&W Revolver

Lightening and smoothing the trigger pull on a S&W revolver can be a safe and easy job if you have the right tools. Lightening the single action trigger pull on a Smith & Wesson revolver can be a safe and easy job if you have the right tools. Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA, explains the process for lightening the single action trigger pull on a Smith & Wesson revolver using a Power Custom Sear Stoning Fixture. He begins by disassembling the revolver and removing the trigger. Once the trigger is clamped to the fixture and the unit is adjusted for the proper angle, a fine India stone is used to true of the sear surfaces. A bit of Dykem is applied to the sear during this process so that progress can be monitored. Once the surface has been polished, the trigger is lubricated and placed back into the revolver. Some Smith & Wesson revolvers come from the factory with a rough double action trigger pull. Using just a couple of hand tools the double action pull can easily be smoothed out. The double action surface on the trigger is stoned using a fine India stone and a steel bench block. Larry then removes the double action sear surface from the hammer and polishes the surface with the stone. The final step is to check the trigger pull with a pull gage.